Official Website of Author x Designer

Enne Zale


"Not every tale

In the bible is tied with a ribbon

Of forgiveness and patience.

Sometimes you must act

In remembrance of those stories

Where unjust was only made just

When man fought against oppression.

Our faith may seem misguided

To those who have never been

On the losing side of the battle..

But when our legacy is told

Once again the lord proves that

With faith, work and dedication

We can lose every battle,

But God never let us lose the war."


“My body seeks vengeance

For the tearing and cracks

I never mended

And learned to ignore.

An act of wrath 

From the very vessel

That once symbiotically 

Worked with my mind.

To be told 

The vessel which holds me is deteriorating…

You too

Would become hysterical.”

"I see her traits in your eyes

Her smile a little brighter than yours.

Her gaze a bit warmer.

Perhaps because you aren’t her,

And you know this,

Your heart feels a bit colder.

I’m sorry.

Because my forever love didn’t last forever...

And I’m here with you."


"He was a comet-

When you hold onto people

Like that for too long...

You're going to burn."